Monday, December 7, 2009

We are sitting here on our balcony in the middle of no where (or so it seems), It is so peaceful. This little town of Vilcabamba is a place of healing. They say people who live here live long lives. When people who have high blood pressure and heart problems come here they get better. I was sad that when we got here I was such a party pooper. I started getting a fever again and a little dizzy and all I could do was sleep. Rich and Marcelo have had some good bonding time by Rich having to care for him so much since I have been sick. They went into town and got some medicine for my hand and got icecream. It is nice to get steroid cream over the counter without a prescription. :) They have this "healing" drink made of 15 herbs that is to bring health to the body. It must be working because I feel better tonight.
Rich and I had the fun experience of the lights going out in the whole city. You should have seen us getting around a strange place in the dark. Luckily I had my watch that you could get a little light from and we found out Rich's phone had a light on it. It was still funny trying to get around the bathroom with very little light to no light. Lots of laughs were going on. We ended up on the balcony enjoying the very peacefull sounds of earth and it being still.
I have had a neat experience about Christmas. I always thought that for it to feel like Christmas it was about the tree, lights, baking, music, family and so on (which they are wonderful ) But not having any of that...I have relied on reading the scriptures and the Ensign and singing the Christmas songs to Marcelo at night. Life as been more still and peaceful. I just wish I could enjoy this with my whole family.
I love you all and hope you are having a merry Christmas season.


JudyMarie said...

Oh, my dear Jill, I wish I could be there with you! I can feel your wonderful spirit--I am so very proud of you- and Rich --and Marcelo-- and all your beautiful children here. It is hard to know you are not feeling well and are so far away. I know Rich is taking good care of you. I am glad you are having these incredible times. I just miss you tonight more than normal. I want to go out for lunch when we can- and get a booth and just talk. What a joy you are! We will miss you this week, but will feel of your sweet spirit. Love you so very much, Mom XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

It must be amazing having this experience that not too many people get to have. I love reading your messages and learning from them. You are an example of strength and endurance and faith to me. Thankyou. I love you.

Carr Company said...

Jill,I love reading this blog! I get teary every day feeling such a strong spirit in your words and experiences. An unexpected side effect is that I am missing you so very much and I think about you CONSTANTLY, wishing this was just another trip I was on with you. =) It is close to my heart what a woman you are and my heart is bursting with joy that I am blessed to know such a woman. I am so sorry that you aren't feeling well, I guess the humor of the bumps in the dark might have helped?? I hope that it did. My heart and prayers are with you and Rich and your little angel, Marcelo. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey kids, thanks for the update. Jill, we will mention you by name in our prayers....but we have had so many wonderful miracles in our life I hope our Heavenly Father doesn't mind us asking for one more...:) Mom is now spending time with the kids...I have to admit I think we have been praying so hard for you guys that we sometimes forget the rest...Kiefer asked Tasha to read like they are missing you so, but I have great trust and faith in the Grandma's who are helping. Many kuddo's to Jayme and Nathan..what great kids they are...I really appreciate all they've done. Grandma Neal is now in the house and their will be some stinkin changes around here! :) HA! Good to have Brooklyn home and now spend sometime with your kiddies...Bryanna went with us to Alina's game..was great just to talk one on one...Gave all the kids hugs and kisses and I know Grandma Bowman is being a great chauffer. The power of family just continues to grow in my really is the way for the Plan of Happiness. I feel so for each of the kids and Marcelo..their are great sacrifices being made by so many, but you tend to feel the tenderness of spirits in the Children. I am once again humbled...Thanks for being great parents...continue to follow those promptings and let the Spirit guide you in all you do with Marcelo. Thanks again guys for all you do. We love and miss you... -Big Daddie-

The Wach Family said...

How lucky Marcelo is to have a Mom singing Christmas songs to him. This will be the one Christmas that you will never ever forget. We pray for your quick recovery. Hey, maybe you should fill your bags with all of that stuff that you can only get with an RX here in the states. ;)

Bill and Freddie Ann said...

May you continue to be blessed with the true Spirit of Christmas. You are in our prayers continually!

amie said...

Hey Jill, I am sooo sorry about the eczema, I know we were just talking about it not too long ago. I know it might not be easy over there with limited food but try to stay off dairy and wheat best you can- inflamatory foods wont help right now. I will pray it gets better!!

Super Star said...

AWW the pictures are beautiful, I miss u all soo much! it makes me want to cry. i reallly don't want to have christmas without you, but i know that whatever happens it will be for the best. we all love and miss u soo much! we love the updates.