We enjoyed the town and got some good gifts for our kiddos. I felt more of an outsider in this town. Not so many people and there were so many of them sitting or sitting getting drunk. It is more of a hippy place. Latinos and white hippys.
I feel a bit better today. My hand is still swollen on one side and the other feels like my skin is crcking open when I move it..oh yeah it is cracking. I have some pictues I will post.
Marcelo I think is getting it more and more about having parents. He has asked if his friends are getting parents. He has said he doesn't want to come to the house in the picture, which is our home in Kentucky, but then he says," Oh you can play there!" He has said several things that tells us that he is getting there, but still nervous.
Today I had to work hard to bond with him. The last couple of days of not felling well, Rich has been with him a lot. This afternoon he pretty much didn't want anything to do with me. So I locked Rich in the room (to let him nap) and Marcelo and I played with playdough. Then we all had a great dinner. Their chicken down here is so good. The lights went out in the middle of dinner, so it was by candle light. By the time we were done, it was dark, and when it is dark Marcelo is all about going to bed. We have to try hard to keep him up til 7:30. He usually wants to go to bed around 6 or 6:30....then he is dead to the world. What a funny kid.
Thankyou all for your comments. They are very strengthening to us. It is something we look forward to. We love you.
PS: We added some pictures to some of the older posts as well.
Playdough always brings people closer together:) It was great seeing you guys today! I tried to get the kids to talk one at a time...but....i dont think it succeded to much!:) Also right before we got on the boys were fighting over the computer and I was like.."thats it, if nobody can share we are turning it off" and than you skped:)haha, good times!:) The twinsies sure miss you guys but are sweet and cuddly so I get the good end of the deal!:) Sarah wrote a story about A mom who missed Christmas, and it was about her, and she kept writing how cute marcelo is in her book!:) The kids sure miss you, but they are so strong and still cheerful! Mom spends the night and does the morning/early afternoon shift where I have been taking over between 3 and 9. It has been working great, and letting me get lots of sleep so I can hopefully take over for good by next week. The place sounds soo neat and peaceful. It truly makes you grateful for the things we have. ITs amazing how blessed we are in so many ways that we forget on a day to day basis, thanks for the reminder. Sure love ya'll. Trey tonight said family prayer and asked that you would come home before christmas, so prayers are definetely coming your way! Chau
We love reading your updates! I hope you don't mind that I have followed your journey through your blog. Everynight I read it and it brings tears to my eyes. We pray for your little Marcelo to find peace with his transition! Adoption has completely changed our lives and I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing others stories! Thank you for sharing!
I love the photos! Jill your pictures of your hands make mine ache. :) We are praying for you. The hammock I would love to take a nap in. And the pictures of the hike look amazing. it truely does look like what a paradise should. Love you guys.
Sounds like a wonderful place! I hope your hands get to feeling better soon Jill! I bet it won't take long for Marcelo to get use to a little later bedtime when he gets to his home in the USA and his brothers & sisters! Enjoy the early bedtime while you can! :)
I am heading out to Grandmas. Before I go, I just want to say good morning! We are under a high wind warning today-what is it with the wind?!?! Anyway, I picked up Bryanna from dance last night. They took a test and they all go in January to get their point shoes- she was very excited about that!Can you believe Jayme receives her Endowment tomorrow night and gets married on Saturday! All of a sudden it is here! We will post pictures--Jill, your hand looks so sore! I am so glad Rich brought Amox with him!!! Please know you all are so loved and prayed for contunually. Please give Marcelo a kiss and hug. LOVE THE PICTURES!!! Love , Mom XOXOXO
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