Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Night Away

Today has been a day to remember. Today is Marcelo's first night away from the Hogar. When we arrived he was already emotional and not wanting to leave. It was a quick pick up and go. Poor little fella isn't sure what he wants. We spent the morning in a beautiful park playing. He calmed down after a few minutes there and we had a good time. He continued to ask through the day when are we going back. We felt being honest and sensitive is the best option. He would get emotional, but he clung to us and allowed us to comfort him which is a really good thing. The park had animals in it, a beautiful lake that we took a paddle boat on (he wasn't real fond of going out on the open water). In the middle of the lake was an island we paddled around that had caged monkeys, flamingos, turtles, rabbits, and a peacock on it. Pretty cool. The weather has been great, low 70's all the time. You forget though how strong the sun is on the Ecuator since we're in the mountains. Just saying: sweet farmers tan!
The afternoon went well and as the night approached reality kicked in for sweet little Marcelo. It was a rough go of it when we first got back to the hotel and he realized we weren't really going back. As we held him in our arms and he slowly calmed down I offered a prayer in spanish. Truly a miracle took place as he calmed down, took off his shoes and jacket (big deal because he had refused to before because it meant not leaving), we colored a little, and he went in his bed, Jill said her first prayer in spanish (she did great), and he was asleep within 5 minutes. He is now peacefully slumbering beside us. We're so grateful for the power of prayer. We are emotionally exhausted and think of how our little Trey who is the same age would react if someone took him from his home and said "you're staying with us". Knowing the outcome for him is what keeps us going. We hope each day will continue to improve and his trust and love for us will continue to grow. But before we jump to tomorrow we hope tonight will pass peacefully as well. Thank you all for your comments. They continue to encourage and lift us. We love and appreciate all who are sharing this with us.



Neal Family said...

AH what a sweetheart! It just reminds me that during some of my roughest times in life with family, thats when I have bonded the most with them. You guys rock, and it just amazes me the power of prayer, thanks for sharing guys!

Anonymous said...

You all, including Marcelo, are in our prayers. What a sweet boy and way to go Jill on your prayer in spanish. I can't imagine the angels that must be surrounding Marcelo to help him through this and you all. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Appreciate those deep down feelings you must have felt and the fear and anxiety he must have felt...I can't imagine what is going through his mind...their is no substitute for prayer when we are really afraid of something, real or imagined. Good for you guys....I can feel you heeding the Spirit..proud of you both and all the kids at home who are sacrificing this time for the sake of "the one"....God Bless and stay safe. Love ya's. -Big Daddie-

Carr Company said...

My heart is so tender and joyful for you! I'm quite tearful feeling through your words the anxieties of his little heart, the pain you feel as a parent watching your little angel feel hurt and fear, and the miracles all around you. Again, thank you for sharing. Love & Hugs! Buenas Noches!

JudyMarie said...

I was telling Dad earlier that you all would have Marcelo for the first time over night. I said you all would probably have your first prayer with him. It sounds as if prayer was mighty. Jill, I am so proud of you! Tears welled up when I read you prayed in Spanish. When I think of all the love and preparation you all have put into making this successful, I believe you are receiving blessings for your great efforts! My heart is full of love and gratitude to you both for your desire to love and teach and parent your children. 3rd John vs 4is so true! Love you all to pieces, Mom XOXOXO

The Wach Family said...

It must break your heart to see him so anxious. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.

tina said...

I'm so touched by your journey with little Marcelo. What a special couple you are. But then again I've always had a tender spot in my heart for Jill. I have a grandaughter named Marcella who is 9.

Jeremy said...
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Jeremy said...

Poor little guy. He's in our prayers, as well as the both of you. One thing is for sure - he's leaving something good for something much much better.

He's going to have to overcome his fear though, and so when he gets here I'm going to have to introduce him to the game, "Trust uncle Jeremy."

Be safe!

blairsblog6 said...

Muy bien, mi amiga! Un orazon en espanol es fantastica! Tu y tu esposo son muy especial. El Padre Celestial es poder ayudarse en tada cosas. (I know that I messed up, but I am trying to help you guys. Love and Prayers!)