Thursday, February 25, 2010

Everyday life is getting so much better. Every week we see how our family is becoming more united with Marcelo. We still have some challenges, but they have gotten soooo much better. Yesturday, the kids came home from school around 1:00. We all watched a movie and although Marcelo doesn't watch them it was relaxing. He played in the same room, coming up to us every once in awhile. There were no fights and no tantrums. It was so nice to have that comfort feeling in our home again. (not that we don't have fights on a everyday bases...)
Marcelo is still learning about us and our silly jokes. Yesturday, after his shower, all the boys were in the bathroom. I got the silly string out and started spraying them. All the boys were laughing and begging me to spray them. Marcelo cried. He was probably thinking, "I'm all clean and what in the world is she spraying on me." It didn't take long before he was begging for me to spray him. The best part was that Rich came home in the middle of this, SO I got to spray him.
Then I went into the kitchen and got Sarah and Savannah. They loved it!!
Rich and I got Bryanna the other night when she was watching American Idol. She was covered in it. I realized shortly afterwards that we better get it all out of her long hair. Clean up isn't always fun. :)
So, silly string, coloring faces with marker, dressing up, and even putting pull ups on their heads have helped chase the winter blues away. I almost forgot, we ahve done a lot of leg wrestling. We even talked Grandma Neal into doing it with the boys. We all loved this. It was very funny!!!

1 comment:

Zaehringers said...

Thanks for the great idea with the silly string. I think this might come in handy if I am having a rough day with the boys. Nothing like changing the spirit in the home by the use of silly string. I think it would be a good laugh.